Your reading list, periodically shipped to you in a beautiful print issue.
You choose what’s fit to print.
Reading perfectly suited for you.
Connect your Twitter or Substack, we’ll pick five selections just for you.

Reading online is awesome. You can effortlessly surf the web and discover thousands of interesting articles and essays. But most people find it harder to read online compared to print. Online, you can open Twitter, get a text, or otherwise become distracted. Digital reading can also hurt your eyes, can be harder to pick up where you left off, and generally is just less tangible than reading physical material.
Why is the best writing trapped on our screens? What if there was a print publication with reading perfectly suited for you? That is Printernet.
per issue
Each issue includes five slots for reading. You can pick an article, essay, interview, recipe, blog post, or almost any text-based content for each slot. Or you can connect your Twitter + Newsletter subscriptions and let us pick for you.